
Author’s Message

Scott T. Hanson

Restoring Your Historic House, The Comprehensive Guide for Homeowners is the result of a four-year effort to writing, editing, and assembling the 720-page hardcover volume with more than 2,000 photos and illustrations.

I have believed there is a need for this book for decades. Many people love old houses and want to do the right things when restoring them, but often are at the mercy of architects, contractors, permitting officials, and home improvement center “associates” with limited knowledge about appropriate materials and methods for work on historic houses. This book will give those homeowners the information they need, whether they are using an architect and contractor or becoming DIY warriors.

I looked for a book like this when I was newly in the field, decades ago, and discovering that no such book existed I waited for someone to write it. And waited. And waited. When publisher Jonathan Eaton of Tilbury House Publishing asked me what I had for book ideas in 2015, I decided this was the time for someone to write it… me. With more than 40-years’ experience in the field and several previous books under my belt, I felt qualified and ready to take it on. Shortly thereafter, architectural photographer David Clough, who I had worked with on a previous book, joined the project.

As I write this, the book is at the printer – soon to be in the hands of house restorers from coast to coast. Social media promotional efforts for the book have been underway for several months and it has been gratifying to see how much interest there is in it. Four years is a long time to devote your evenings and weekends to an undertaking with no guarantee of a successful outcome. Seeing the interest and excitement about the book on social media has given me confidence that the effort was worthwhile, and soon people will have the substantial and comprehensive resource and reference book they have wanted to help them achieve their restoration goals.

I look forward to hearing your restoration success stories in the future!

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